On Friday, May 13, following the 3-day 2nd Joint Meeting of Spanish, French and Portuguese Proteomics Societies, the Chromosome Centric Human Proteome Project (C-HPP) announces the 25th C-HPP Workshop on “Accelerating the HPP Grand Challenge”.
This satellite workshop is open and free to all participants of ProteoVilamoura. Agenda: https://www.hupo.org/News/12690881
If you want to attend, just register on our website: https://proteo-vilamoura.sci-meet.net/ by accessing “FEEs” on your personal area, select the C-HPP Satellite Workshop and save.
Location: Forum Dom Pedro Vilamoura Main Conference Hall
Date: Friday May 13, 2022 Time: 14:00 – 17:00
- Welcome by Chris Overall, Chair C-HPP 14:00-14:05
- Lydie Lane, Co-Chair C-HPP, Chair Chromosome 2 Team: "Update on Progress in Completing the Human Proteome, neXtprot Release 2022" (20 + 5 minutes)" 14:05-14:30
- Gong Zhang, Chair Chromosome 8 C-HPP Team: "The discovery, function and evolution of the hidden human proteome translated from "non-coding RNAs" (20 + 5 minutes) 14:30-14:55
- Marina Gay: "How Top-down Proteomics Can Contribute to the HPP" (20 + 5 minutes) 14:55-15:20
- Charles Pineau: "The HPP Grand Challenge" (20 + 5 minutes) 15:20-15:45
- 75 minutes Open Discussion and Goal Setting, Chairs Chris Overall and Charles Pineau including the use of DIA for missing proteins with Ulrich auf dem Keller, Chair Chromosome 21, 15:45-17:00
- Meeting Close 17:00
- Refreshments and dinner at a local restaurant, at own expense.
The conference hotel and nearby hotels have special rates for ProteoVilamoura participants. You must make your reservation directly with the hotels with the reservations codes listed here: