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If you have news that you would like distributed via HUPO's website, newsletter, or social media channels, please email office(at)

  • 03 Jul 2024 10:32 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    November 18-19, 2024
    Location: Aerial UTS Function Centre, Ultimo, Sydney, Australia
    Organized By: Children Medical Research Institute, ProCan

    Through this two-day meeting, internationally renowned experts in proteomics, genomics, cancer management, biomarker and drug discovery will share their progress towards addressing the challenges and opportunities of multi-omic data integration in cancer management, with a special focus on the role of proteomics in advancing biomarker development and drug discovery.

    More details here....

  • 26 Jun 2024 3:57 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Sunday, October 20th 19:30-22:30

    Early career researchers and senior scientists are all welcome to join this exciting event, which aims to bridge digital, cultural, and continental gaps. The ECR Networking Evening provides a fantastic opportunity for early-stage researchers to meet, share, and connect with colleagues and senior researchers.

    This year, the evening will feature a scenic boat ride around Dresden, offering stunning views, drinks, and a chance to mingle in a relaxed atmosphere. It's the perfect setting to network with peers and mentors from around the world.

    Be ready to meet new people and participate in engaging activities!

    Register here for the ECR Networking Evening and reserve your ticket now, as space is limited!

  • 26 Jun 2024 3:56 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The manuscript competition is a unique opportunity for early career researchers to gain visibility in the proteomics community, as it serves as a platform to highlight the important contributions that postdoctoral fellows, young clinicians and junior faculty members make to the proteomics field. Three finalists have been selected to present their publications in a dedicated plenary session at HUPO 2024, where an expert committee will evaluate the oral presentations to determine the “Proteomics Highlight of the Year” by an ECR. Congratulations to all finalists:

    1. Leyuan Li (Beijing Proteome Research Center, CN)- Revealing proteome-level functional redundancy in human gut microbiome using ultra-deep metaproteomics
    2. Stacy Malaker (Yale University, USA) - Glycoproteomic landscape and structural dynamics of TIM family immune checkpoints enabled by mucinase SmE
    3. Marc van Oostrum (Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Germany.) - The proteomic landscape of synaptic diversity across brain regions and cell types
  • 04 Jun 2024 11:13 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The June HUPOST edition is out now! It’s packed with vital news and updates, including information on HUPO 2024 the IAB Spotlight, Council Elections, New Job Postings, ETC and ECR Activities, and more!

  • 30 May 2024 3:18 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In this new monthly feature, we will be highlighting extraordinary HUPO volunteers who lead and support many of HUPO's various Committees, Initiatives and Working Groups. If you would like to volunteer with HUPO, please connect with the HUPO Office.

    HUPO Marketing and Outreach Committee (MOC)

    The MOC has been at work developing new ways to promote the HUPO mission, the visibility of proteomics within the scientific community and its popularization among the public, as well as gathering funding support. The MOC has been very successful in networking with other HUPO Committees and Initiatives and using a range of tools and activities. The MOC members are from different fields and backgrounds and at various career stages representing the diversity of HUPO.

    Charlotte Hutchings is a third-year PhD student at the Cambridge Centre for Proteomics, University of Cambridge. She applies expression and subcellular spatial proteomics methods to study the effect of viral production, specifically that of adeno-associated viruses, on cells. Charlotte is also very interested in bioinformatics and big data which has led her to write and teach workflow publications and workshops. Having found a love for proteomics, Charlotte has become an active member of the community and acts as the student representative for the British Society for Proteome Research (BSPR), Vice Chair of Online Activities for the HUPO Early Career Researcher (ECR) Committee and has more recently become involved in the HUPO Marketing and Outreach (MOC) Committee.

    Theodora Katsila is a Senior Researcher-Head of the Biomarker Discovery & Translational Research laboratory at the National Hellenic Research Foundation, Greece. Craving for brain teasers (and being loyal to her motto: from information to actionable insights), she is strongly interested in translational biomarkers and proteoform-based drug repurposing. Mining the chemical biology space, Theodora aims to catalyze the transition from serendipity-driven to data-driven translational precision medicine. This paradigm shift comes with a need for biomarker-guided trial design and patient-centric companion diagnostics. For this, Theodora applies mass spectrometry-based multi-omics and data science.

    Conor McCafferty is a Program Manager at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Melbourne, Australia, where he coordinates and oversees the body of cancer research performed at the institute and the adjoining Royal Children’s Hospital. He has worked with proteomic technologies to investigate biomarkers of disease and completed his PhD investigating the relationship between thrombosis and COVID-19 in children from the University of Melbourne in 2022, which included proteomic analysis of patients with different COVID-19 outcomes. Conor joined the HUPO Marketing and Outreach Committee in 2019 and additionally sits as a board director of the Australian Society for Medical Research. He has a passion for solving clinical challenges (particularly in pediatrics) and works to develop coordinated research and multi-omic strategies to improve clinical outcomes.

  • 06 May 2024 9:42 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Initiative for Model Organism Proteomics (iMOP) unveils an exciting webinar titled "Exploring New Model Organisms and Unraveling Protein Mysteries."

    Mark your calendars for May 21st and get ready to explore the world of proteomics and learn how it's revolutionizing our understanding of molecular mechanisms in a range of new model organisms. Join them on this journey as they shed light on how these discoveries can boost human health, safeguard the environment, and preserve biodiversity. See further webinar details on the flyer below. 

    Zoom Meeting Link Here

  • 29 Apr 2024 5:01 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In a new feature of the monthly HUPOST newsletter, extraordinary HUPO volunteers who lead and support many of HUPO's various Committees, Initiatives and Working Groups, are highlighted.  If you would like to volunteer with HUPO, please connect with the HUPO Office.

    HUPO Marketing and Outreach Committee (MOC)
    The MOC has been at work developing new ways to promote the HUPO mission, the visibility of proteomics within the scientific community and its popularization among the public, as well as gathering funding support.  MOC members are from different fields and backgrounds and at various career stages representing the diversity of HUPO.

    The May HUPOST features the following MOC volunteers:

    Qian Zhao is an Associate Professor at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HK PolyU). She received her Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Hong Kong in 2012 and then joined the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) as a postdoctoral researcher. In 2017, she joined HK PolyU as an Assistant Professor in Chemical Proteomics. She currently serves as an Editorial Board member for Molecular & Cellular Proteomics and a council member in HUPO. Her research group investigates functional peptides with mass spectrometry, including non-canonical peptides translated from small open reading frames and immunopeptides. Qian holds the view that the peptidome, a subset of the proteome, holds significant promise. Her work is centered around creating new ways to find and understand these peptides, with the ultimate aim of using their potential to develop new treatments for diseases.

    Nobuaki Takemori is a Senior Assistant Professor at Ehime University. He received his B.Sc. degree in Material Science in 1997 from Nagoya Institute of Technology (Japan) and his Ph.D. degree in Material Science in 2002 from Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Japan). After postdoctoral research from 2002 to 2009 in the US and Japan, he joined the faculty at Ehime University as a Research Assistant Professor in 2010 and was promoted to Senior Assistant Professor with tenure in 2012. He is currently a Council Member of the Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) and the Japanese Proteomics Society (JPrOS) and serves as the Chief Editor of Proteome Letters, the official journal of JPrOS.

    His research group is focused on developing new proteomics technologies and their application to clinical biomarker discovery. In his own laboratory, he has developed an innovative method for the synthesis of stable isotope-labeled proteins using a wheat germ cell-free protein synthesis system in addition to establishing a high-throughput synthesis platform. Awarded the Young Investigator Award from JPrOS in 2018 for his pioneering work in the development of quantitative proteomics technologies using a wheat germ cell-free synthesis system, his technique has been extremely useful for the production of high-quality internal standard proteins in the quantitative analysis of targeted proteins by mass spectrometry, resulting in a unique impact in the field of quantitative proteomics. In recent years, he has also been actively engaged in the development of sample preparation techniques for top-down proteomics. He has successfully developed PEPPI-MS, a high-resolution fractionation technique for intact proteoforms using SDS-PAGE, and is now conducting research on top-down proteomics at high depth by combining PEPPI-MS with an ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry system.

    Upendra Chalise is a postdoctoral fellow at Dr. Jop van Berlo's lab in the University of Minnesota, where he studies cardiovascular physiology after sterile cardiac injury such as myocardial infarction and transaortic constriction in murine model. He uses cellular and plasma proteomics techniques to identify markers that can predict future progression of cardiac remodeling. His graduate work has utilized various proteomic approaches in identifying and validation potential markers and functional targets to improve cardiac outcomes after myocardial infarction. He has continued his work in his postdoctoral training in modulating inflammatory and extracellular matrix proteins to prevent adverse cardiac remodeling and heart failure progression. He is actively working to regulate immune responses after cardiac injury through identification of protein targets. Upendra currently serves as a member of the HUPO Marketing and Outreach Committee and in the Trainee Advisory Sub Committee of the Cardiovascular section of the American Physiological Society. Besides cardiovascular research, Upendra is passionate about improving academia for trainees and actively advocates for changes within academia.

  • 24 Apr 2024 8:53 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This early career achievement award seeks to honor early career researchers who have had an exceptional impact on the proteomics field and community. This impact can take the shape of publications, patents obtained, development of a commercial product, establishment of a symposium, workshop, course, training program or any other meaningful contributions or service to the field of proteomics. The winner of the award will give a short presentation during the closing ceremony of HUPO 2024 and take home a cash prize of $2000. To participate, candidates can self-nominate or be nominated. Click here to learn more about how to apply, eligibility criteria, and prizes.

    SUBMISSION DEADLINE: May 10th, 2024

  • 24 Apr 2024 8:49 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Get ready to put your research in the spotlight at HUPO 2024 with our exciting poster competition sponsored by Molecular Omics! To participate, simply indicate your interest in the competition when submitting your abstract. It's as easy as checking a box!

    Fifteen outstanding abstracts from graduate students and postdocs will be selected as

    finalists, based on the quality of their abstracts. These finalists will have the opportunity to present their posters during the conference, where they'll be evaluated by a jury of experts. Winners in both categories (graduate students and postdocs) will each receive a cash prize of USD$200, while four runners-up will be awarded USD$100.

    As a bonus, submitted abstracts have the opportunity to be selected for a short talk at the day of the research initiatives. This is your chance to showcase your research findings, innovative methodologies, and exciting discoveries to a global audience!

    Submit your abstract here today!

  • 24 Apr 2024 8:43 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Can you condense your thesis in three minutes? Join us at the 3-Minute Thesis Competition, in collaboration with the HUPO Early Career Researcher (ECR) Committee and the Human Proteome Project (HPP). Presenting your thesis allows you to highlight the significance and impact of your research.

    To participate submit a lay abstract through the HUPO 2024 abstract submission portal . Craft your abstract without scientific jargon, ensuring it's easily understood by a general, non-expert audience.

    Finalists will be selected based on their abstracts to present their thesis topic, using a single static slide during a session at HUPO 2024.

    This competition provides an opportunity for you to present your work in a brief but engaging format, fostering discussions and collaborations with fellow researchers from around the world.

    Let your creativity shine as you describe your thesis research topic in 300 words or less!

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